He has got one eye and one mouth. He has got three noses. His body is red and he has got eight arms and five legs. He is thin and he has got yellow spots and big teeth.
He is yellow and blue. He is ugly, tall and fat. He has got two eyes, four noses, one mouth, three teeth and two ears. He has got four arms and two fingers. He has got three legs and three feet.
They are blue, yellow, green and black. They are tall, big and ugly. They have got eight legs, four eyes and six arms. They have got two heads.
He is green and purple. He is ugly, tall and big. He has got one eye, one nose, one mouth and five teeth. He has got two arms, two legs and two feet.
MY MONSTER "ACTICARD" Antonio 4thB She is tall, thin and ugly. She has got three horns, four ears, one, eye, one tooth and three hearts. She has got four arms and five legs. She's red, orange, pink, brown and blue.
MY MONSTER "JUAN" Juanito 4thB
My monster has got twelve eyes, two noses, three mouths, four ears and he has got short hair. His body is very big. He has got four hearts, three stomachs, ten arms and four legs.
He is blue, red and orange. He is ugly, tall and handsome. He has got thirty eyes, one mouth, one tooth and four heads. He has got four arms and eight feet.
Her name is Elisabet. She is tall. Her hair is short. She has got a blue and purple body. She has got one eye, two teeth and one mouth. She has got four arms, four legs and four feet. She has got six fingers. Her neck is short and she has got three snakes.
MY MONSTER "BANANA" Mariano 4thB He is ugly, fat and tall. He has got short hair, big eyes, a small nose, a small mouth and two ears. He has got a big body, ten hearts, ten arms, big muscles, fifty fingers, four legs, four feet, twenty toes and long legs. He is green, yellow, blue and pink.
MY MONSTER "PICTURECA" Fco Pío 4thB My monster Pictureca is tall and thin. He has got three yellow eyes, two red noses and two mouths. The forehead is very long and he has got eight teeth. His neck is small. He has got black and spiky hair. He has got six purple ears and pink arms. He has got three yellow legs. His feet are black, one of them is medium and the another one is small. His body has got two brown horns, four red spots and two blue hearts.
They are yellow, orange, red, green, pink, brown and blue. They are tall, fat, big and ugly. They have got two heads, eight eyes, two mouths, nine teeth and two necks. They have got five arms, five hands and nineteen fingers. They have got three legs, three feet and seven toes.
MY MONSTER "BARI" Zinnedine 4thA He is green and pink. He has got three ears, five eyes, four noses, one mouth and six teeth. He is fat and he has got five arms, nineteen fingers, three legs and thirteen toes.
MY MONSTER Mohamed 4thB He is tall and handsome. He has got three eyes, zero nose and one mouth. He has got one stomach and fourteen hearts that weigh twenty - four kilograms. He has got two arms. He has got two legs. He is blue, orange and green. He has got one neck and ten fingers.
MY MONSTER "SNAKE" Augusto 4thA He is green and red. He is ugly, tall and fat. He has got three eyes, one nose, one mouth, two teeth and two ears. He has got two arms.
MY MONSTER "BANANA" Yarida 4thB My monster is Banana. It's green, blue and red. It's got four legs. It lives on the moon. It drinks moon juice.